Vendor Participation
If you are a vendor and wish to participate in the upcoming TPF Users Group Conference, please consider the following:
- Registered vendor representatives are entitled to participate in a variety of ways at the TPF Users Group
conferences. As part of your registration, you can (within the guidelines below):
- Attend all conference functions, sessions and meetings.
- Attend all conference meal and evening functions
- Make presentations in subcommittee meetings
- Host a hospitality suite or exhibition area.
- Only registered vendor representatives may attend conference sessions (general session, subcommittee,
hot topic). Occasionally, a specific session may be closed (members only). If a session is closed,
vendors are not permitted to attend. This information will be posted in advance in the agenda (printed and
web site) and on-site at the conference.
- Vendor presentation requests should come from the subcommittee chairperson(s) appropriate to the
subject and adhere to the following guidelines:
- Presentations must stay within their allotted time slot, so all scheduled activities can be accomplished
as planned. Presenters overrunning their allotted time will be asked to stop their presentation.
- Many of the participants speak English as a second language. Presenters should speak clearly and slowly.
- All presentations are intended to be a technical exchange of information with the meeting participants.
Marketing or promotion of products or services are not permitted.
- Hospitality suites are available for individual vendor functions. The vendor pays for all costs (food, beverage,
A/V, setup, etc.) Room sizes vary depending on meeting space availability. All vendor functions usually
occur on Monday evening of the conference. Contact Really Great Meetings for details and to make arrangements.
- Exhibition area is available for shared vendor functions. All expenses are shared among the vendors (food,
beverage, A/V, setup, etc.). Generally, a 12x12 booth-type setup is available. Other sizes are also
available. The vendor exhibition function occurs on Monday evening of the conference. Contact Really
Great Meetings for details and to make arrangements.
- Vendors now have a representative on the Board of Directors of the TPF Users Group. Suggestions, complaints
or other issues that should be addressed by the Board, should be submitted through your vendor representative.
Vendors that do not adhere to the above guidelines may be asked to leave the conference and their participation in future conferences restricted.
Thank you for your cooperation.
The TPF Users Group Board of Directors